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Topic: portraits
114a MNH Churchill portraits S/S of 5
MBLK122-4A Click to view item MNH Kennedy Brothers on set of 3 S/S's perf
MBLK122-4B Click to view item MNH Kennedy Brothers on set of 3 S/S's - IMPERF
359-60 MNH Transfer of remains of Abd-el-Kader
382-7 MNH Transfer of remains of Abd-el Kader
448 MNH Lenin
490 MNH Ho Chi Minh and map of Viet Nam
B 54 MNH Marshall Leclerc overprint
B 74-5 MNH Red Cross Hospital, nurses and Henri Dunant
1962A MNH John Lennon S/S
2026 Click to view item MNH Raoul Wallenberg commemoration
213-4 MNH William J. Farrer and Ferdinand von Mueller
227 MNH John Forrest, explorer and statesman
310 MNH 1st air crossing of the Tasman Sea
389 Click to view item MNH Sir Winston Churchill
390 Click to view item MNH John Monash, soldier, educator, engineer, and trasmission tower
391 MNH Lawrence Hargrave, aviation pioneer
414 MNH Capt. James Cook, explorer Single value from set
514-7 Click to view item MNH Prime Ministers of Australia
610-5 MNH Australian Prime MInisters
1380a-e Click to view item MNH Portraits of famous Australians and their autographs on strip of 5 diff
558 MNH Franz Gruber and Josef Mohr - composers of "Silent Night, Holy Night", 130th Ann
560-2 MNH Famous composers incl Strauss
569 MNH Moritz Michael Daffinger, painter. Single stamp from set
569-71 Click to view item MNH Painters, patriots, inventors missing # 568
570 MNH Andreas Hofer, patriot. Single stamp from set
573 MNH Pres Karl Renner
574 MNH Joseph Lanner, composer
582 MNH Nikolaus Lenau, poet -150th Ann of his birth
595 Click to view item MNH Carl von Weisbach, chemist - 25th Ann of his death
609 MNH Wolfgang Mozart, birth centenary
613 MNH J.B. Fischer, architect - 300th birth Ann
615 MNH Dr. Julius Wagner-Jauregg - psychiatrist. Birth Centenary
616 MNH Anton Wildgans, poet. 25th Ann of his death
635 MNH Oswald Redlich, historian
636 MNH Pres Karl Renner - Austrian Republic, 40th Ann
644 MNH Joseph Haydn, composer. 150th Ann of his death
651 MNH Pres Adolf Scharf - 70th birthday
653 MNH Anton Eiselsberg, surgeon. Birth centenary
654 MNH Gustav Mahler, composer. 100th Ann of his birth
655 MNH Jakob Prandtauer, architect. 300th Ann of his birth
674 MNH Franz Liszt, composer - 150th Ann of his birth
682 MNH Johann Nestroy, playwright - centenary of his death
705 MNH Hermann Bahr, poet - birth centenary
709 MNH Prince Eugene of Savoy
741 MNH Dr. Adolf Scharf, Pres of Austria
746-9 MNH Various portraits
747 MNH Bertha von Suttner, Nobel Laureate for peace. Single stamp from set
748 MNH Fed Raimund, writer and actor. Single stamp separately issued in multi-art set
749 MNH Ferd Waldmuller, artist. Single stamp separately issued in multi-art set
758 MNH Maria von Ebner Eschenbach, poet
787 Click to view item MNH Dr. Karl Schonherr, poet, playwright and physician
808 MNH Camillio Sitte, architect and city planner - 125th Ann of his birth
813 MNH Dr. Karl Landsteiner, discovered main blood types allowing for blood transfusions
814 MNH Peter Rosegger, poet
854 Click to view item MNH President Franz Jonas
858 Click to view item MNH Josef Schoffel - 60th Ann of his death, saved Vienna Woods
859 Click to view item MNH St. Klemens Hofbauer, preacher in Poland and Austria
880 Click to view item MNH Thomas Koschat, composer
882 Click to view item MNH Alfred Cossman, engraver
886 Click to view item MNH Karl Renner - Austrian President
887 Click to view item MNH Beethoven bicentenary
888 Click to view item MNH Enrica Handel-Mazzetti, novelist
899 Click to view item MNH August Neilreich, botanist
913 MNH Dr. Erich Tschermak-Seysenegg, botanist
915 MNH Franz Grillparzer, poet. Centenary of his death
932 MNH Carl Michael Ziehrer, composer - 50th Ann of his death
939 MNH Alfons Petzold, poet - 50th Ann of his death
940 Click to view item MNH Theodor Korner, Austrian President
947 Click to view item MNH Leo Slezak, operatic tenor
954 Click to view item MNH Ferdinand Hanusch, Secretary of State
978 Click to view item MNH Fritz Pregl - Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
980 Click to view item MNH Hugo Hoffmanstahl - poet and playwright
981 Click to view item MNH Anton Bruckner - composer
986 MNH Karl Kraus, poet - 100th Ann of his birth
992 MNH Franz Anton Maulbertsch, painter
998 MNH Franz Stelzhamer, poet. Centenary of his death
1000 MNH Ferdinand Ritter von Hebra, dermatologist
1001 MNH Arnold Schonberg, composer - 100th Ann of his birth
1003 MNH Eysler, Edmund, composer - 100th Ann of his birth
1008 MNH Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf, composer - 235th Ann of his birth
1010 MNH Franz Schmidt, composer - 100th Ann of his birth
1018 Click to view item MNH Josef Misson, poet
1020 MNH Ferdinand Porsche, automaker - 100th Ann of his birth
1021 MNH Leo Fall, composer - 50th Ann of his death
1023 MNH Heinrich Angeli, painter - 50th Ann of his death
1024 MNH Johann Strauss, composer - 150th Ann of his birth
1040 MNH Dr. Constantin Economo, neurologist - 100th Ann of his birth
1046 MNH Viktor Kaplan, inventor - 100th Ann of his birth
1049 MNH Rainer Maria, poet - 50th Ann of his death
1051 MNH Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin, botanist - 250th Ann of his birth
1052 MNH Oswald von Wolkenstein, poet - 600th Ann of his birth
1054 MNH Alfred Kubin, illustrator and writer - 100th Ann of his birth
1058 MNH Fritz Hermanovsky-Orlando, poet and artist - 100th Ann of his birth
1072 MNH Egon Friedell, writer and historian - 100th Ann of his birth
1075 Click to view item MNH Leopold Kunschak - Political leader
1084 MNH Int'l Franz Lehar Musical Cong
1095 MNH Franz Schubert, composer - 150th Ann of his death
1121 MNH Europa 1979 - Laurenz Koschier, stamp pioneer
1133 MNH Richard Szigmondy, chemist - 50th Ann of his death
1137 MNH Centenary of Technological Handicraft Museum founded by Wilhelm Exner
1140 MNH August Musger - developer of slow-motion film technique
1146 MNH Dr. Rudolph Kirchschlager, Pres of Austria
1147 MNH Robert hamerling, poet - 150th Ann of his birth
1149-51 MNH Paintings of Empress Maria Theresa by various artists
1160 MNH Leo Ascher, composer - 100th Ann of his birth
1162 MNH Europa 1960 - Robert Stolz, composer
1169 MNH Alfred Wegener, scientist - 100th Ann of his birth
1170 MNH Robert Musil, poet - 100th Ann of his birth
1175 MNH Sigmund Freud, father of modern psychoanalysis - 125th Ann of his birth
1183 MNH Dr. Johann Florian Heller - 11th Int'l Clinical Chemistry Congress
1184 MNH Ludwig Boltzmann, physicist
1186 MNH Otto Bauer, politician - 100th Ann of his birth
1196 MNH Baron Josef Hammer-Purgstall, Founder of Oriental Studies - 125th Ann of his death
1197 MNH Julius Raab, politician - 90th Ann of his birth
1199 MNH Stefan Zweig, poet - 100th Ann of his birth
1210 MNH Joseph Haydn, composer
1216 MNH Ignaz Seipel, statesman - 50th Ann of his death
1226 MNH Emmerich Kalman, composer
1227 MNH Max Mell, poet - 100th Ann of his birth
1232 MNH Hildegard Burjan, religious activist - 100th Ann of her birth
1235 MNH Josef Matthias Hauer, composer - 100th Ann of his birth
1245 MNH Viktor Franz Hess, Nobel Prize Laureate in physics
1248 MNH Baron Carl von Hasenauer, architect - 150th Ann of his birth
1252 MNH Pope John Paul II's visit
1255 MNH Karl von Terzaghi, Engineer - 100th Ann of his birth
1263 MNH Wolfgang Pauli, Nobel laureate in Physics
1264 MNH Gregor Mendel, genetics founder
1265 MNH Anton Hanak, sculptor - 50th Ann of his death
1273 MNH Painting of Archduke Johann
1280 MNH Ralph Benatsky, composer - 100th Ann of his birth
1281 MNH Christian von Ehrenfels, philosopher - 125th Ann of his birth
1297 MNH Fanny Eissler, dancer - 100th Ann of her death
1303 MNH Alban berg, composer
1331 MNH Hans Horbiger, inventor
1334 MNH Johann Bohm, Pres of Austrian trade Federation
1341 MNH Charles Holzmeister, architect - 100th Ann of his birth
1358 MNH Julius Tandler, social reformer - 50th Ann of his death
1366 MNH Otto Stoessl, writer - 50th Ann of his death
1371 MNH Franz Liszt, composer
1396 MNH Arthur Schnitzler, poet
1401 MNH Dr. Karl Josef Bayer, chemist.
1404 MNH Dr. Erwin Schrodinger, Nobel Laureate in Physics
1409 MNH Johann Haydn, composer
1415 MNH Christoph Gluck, composer
1416 MNH Oskar Helmer, politician
1417 MNH Composers of Silent Night
1419 MNH Ernst Mach, physicist
1432 MNH Oden von Horwath, dramaticist
1445 MNH Leopold, Schonbauer, physician
1449 MNH Marianne Hainisch, women's rights advocate
1454 MNH Eduard Seuss, geologist
1455 MNH Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher
1463 MNH Richard Strauss, composer
1463 MNH Richard Strauss, composer
1482-3 MNH Georg Traki, poet
1484 MNH Alfred Fried, pacifist, publisher and Nobel Laureate
1488 MNH Salomon Sulzer, cantor and composer
1489 MNH Friedrich Emich, chemist
1504-5 MNH Self-portraits by artists
1506 MNH Ferdinand Raimund, actor
1513 MNH Joseph Friedrich Perkonig, novelist
1516 MNH Franz Werfel, writer
1520 MNH Karl Freiherr von Vogelsang, politician
1525 MNH Franz Grillpartzer, poet
1527 MNH Bruno Kreisky, chancellor
1532 MNH Marie von Ebner Eschenbach, novelist
1546 MNH Paracelsus, physician
1553 Click to view item MNH Julius Raab, politician
1558 MNH George Saiko, writer. Birth Centenary
1561-4 MNH Scientists
1566 MNH Norbert Hanreider, poet
1573 MNH Sebastien Rieger, poet
1576 Click to view item MNH Kurt Waldheim, Pres of Austria
1593 Click to view item MNH Charles Sealsfield, writer
1617 MNH Peter Rosegger, Poet
1623 MNH Franz Jagerstatter, Conscientious objector
1625 MNH Rudolph Wacker self-portrait
1656 Click to view item MNH Herman Gmeiner - 75th Birthday
1657 MNH Karl Seitz, politician
1658 MNH Karl Bohm, conductor
1660-1 MNH Writers Franz Csokor and Joseph Roth
1665 MNH Richard Calergi, Founder oPan-European Union
1682 MNH Josef Loschmidt, chemist
1684 MNH Kathe Leichter, resistance member
1686-7 Click to view item MNH Operatta composers Franz von Suppe and Nico Dostal
1687 MNH Nico Dostal, operatta composer, and scene from Hungarian Wedding. Single stamp from set of 2
1691-2 MNH Composers von Webern and Beethoven
1704 MNH Paula von Preradpvic, author
1710a-j MNH Austria millennium - sheetlet of 10 diff
1715 MNH Theodore Kramer, poet
1723-4 MNH Composers Brahms and Schubert
1739 MNH Dr. Thomas Klestil - Pres of Austria, 65th birthday
1740 MNH Oskar Werner, actor
1768 MNH Elizabeth, Empress of Austria
1770 MNH Hand Kudlich, Emancipator of Peasants
1789-90 MNH Strauss the Younger and Elder, composers
2110 MNH Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, composer - 250th Ann of his birth
2176 MC Maximillian Schell, actor
2177 MNH Romy Schneider, actress

Displaying items 1 to 200 on page 1 of 7 total pages.

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